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KITAN: Conto (1)

Gulamo was a 12-year-old boy who lived in a small village in Mozambique. One day, he woke up to the sound of gunfire and explosions. He looked outside and saw soldiers attacking their village. He immediately knew he had to protect his family, so he woke them up, packed some essentials, and ran.

They ran through the forest for hours, trying to escape the violence and chaos. They were exhausted, hungry and scared. Gulamo's mother urged them to keep going, telling them they needed to find a safe place to hide. After a few days of running, they stumbled upon a refugee camp where they found safety and received food, water, and shelter.

Gulamo missed his father terribly, but he knew that he had stayed behind to help the wounded in their village. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The war continued to rage on, but Gulamo and his family were safe. They learned to adapt to life in the refugee camp and made new friends. Gulamo even went to school and learned how to read and write.

One day, they received news that Gulamo's father was alive. He had been rescued by some fellow villagers and was now living in a nearby refugee camp. Gulamo was overjoyed at the news and couldn't wait to be reunited with his father.

When they finally met, there were tears of joy on everyone's faces. They hugged each other tightly, and Gulamo's father explained that he had been separated from them during the chaos and had been rescued by some kind-hearted villagers. He had been worried sick about his family and was relieved to see them safe and sound.

Years passed, and the war eventually came to an end. Gulamo and his family returned to their village, but it was never the same. They had lost so much, but they had also gained so much. They had survived a war, made new friends and learned to appreciate the simple things in life. But most importantly, they had found strength in each other, and their family had been reunited despite all the odds.


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