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However, their lives were about to take another turn. The intensity of the war had increased, and it was no longer safe for Gulamo and his family to remain in the village. They had to move to the capital city of Mozambique, Lourenco Marques, where they could continue their studies and seek safety.

Gulamo and his two brothers were welcomed into the home of a family friend of their father's while their parents went ahead to find work and a place to live. It was tough being away from their parents, but they knew that it was necessary for their safety.

A few months later, Ibn and his family also arrived in Lourenco Marques. Gulamo and Ibn were thrilled to be reunited and to continue their studies together. They were grateful for the opportunity to continue learning and to have each other's support during this difficult time.

Despite the challenges they faced, Gulamo and Ibn worked hard and excelled in their studies. They both continued to pursue their dreams, and as they moved into their teenage years, they remained best friends and confidants, continuing to inspire each other to dream bigger and aim higher.


Gulamo, Ibn, Mustafa, and Wayss all met up at their favorite coffee shop in Lourenco Marques. They were excited to see each other.

Gulamo: Hey guys, it's great to see you all. How have you been?

Ibn: Great to see you too, Gulamo. I've been doing pretty well in school. How about you?

Gulamo: Same here. I've been really interested in physics and have been reading a lot about it.

Mustafa: That's awesome, Gulamo. I'm still undecided about what I want to do when I grow up.

Wayss: Me too. I'm more interested in the arts, like painting and writing.

Ibn: That's really cool, guys. It's important to pursue what you're passionate about.

Gulamo: Definitely. But right now, we should focus on our studies and doing well in school.

Mustafa: Speaking of which, have you guys heard about the science fair that's happening next month?

Wayss: Yeah, I have. I was thinking of entering with a short story I wrote.

Ibn: I was thinking of entering with an engineering project.

Gulamo: And I was thinking of entering with a physics experiment.

Mustafa: That's awesome, guys. We should all enter and try to win.

Wayss: Yeah, it would be so cool if one of us won.

Ibn: Agreed. We should definitely collaborate and help each other out with our projects.

Gulamo: Sounds like a great idea. Let's all work together and make our entries the best they can be.

The four friends spent the rest of the afternoon planning and discussing their science fair entries. They were excited to have each other's support and knew they had a good chance of doing well.


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